I got some videos of Andy and Micah sending stuff at Owl Tor last weekend. Footage from these first two is a little shaky because my legs were falling asleep in my harness. And the wind was blowing me around kind of a lot. To get these angles is somewhat involved. Micah redpointing When the… Continue reading video evidence
Month: November 2008
faces of death
We got some good photos at the Tor last Saturday, with some rad expressions. Andy’s looking like the Lord of the Forest. Andy on Hell of the Upside Down Sinners (5.12b): Me on the long move at the top of Atreyu (5.13b). I didn’t make it this time: Micah topping out the Tor via… Continue reading faces of death
back on familiar ground
Last week I finished Hard Boiled, so this week we returned to Owl Tor. I missed her. She’s even better than I remembered. I spent 3 weeks back at Mr. Lee’s, the last 2 never going to the Tor. But things are back to normal now. I went with Andy and Micah. Phil was dealing… Continue reading back on familiar ground
first water, more fun
Swimming was pretty good today. I concentrated on finding a good rythm in my freestyle. da numbers: 200m easy free 3 x 200m free @ 4:00 coming in between 3:30-3:35 not real fast but smooth and felt manageable 100m easy pull w/ paddles 200m fly kick total distance: 1100m crankenstein.com
first water, rad
I don’t know what happened this morning. I just wanted to swim hard for some reason. Clearly, I didn’t want to swim fast. Just hard. For the first time in a while I had to stop before something, maybe bad, happened. Or should I say, before having an epiphany in the pool, before breaking in… Continue reading first water, rad
first water, better
So, at least I counted right today. I’m able to record a time for 1000m instead of 900m. Things felt OK. A straight 1000m freestyle is kinda hard for me so just to get through it is good, let alone record a better time than last week. I would like to get my time down… Continue reading first water, better
first water, learning to count
I didn’t feel ultra-good this morning. Things were just OK. I’m nursing this shoulder thing and generally did not have the Eye of the Tiger for the straight 1000m freestyle I had scheduled for today. And stupidly, I lost count and ended up doing a 900m free instead. So, I’m not counting today. It used… Continue reading first water, learning to count
Gibraltar old school
Elhanan got to an ultra precarious position to take these rad shots of Andy and me on Kevin Brown’s Self Reflection: Sunday at Gibraltar crankenstein.com
Hard Boiled, done
I redpointed Hard Boiled (5.13b) yesterday. Rad. Rad that I never have to get on her again. Actually, I had a good time this season. Probably that’s because I was prepared. Last season I spent 18 days trying to redpoint. This season I sent after eight attempts over 3 days. Yesterday’s redpoint happened first go… Continue reading Hard Boiled, done